Dress up and Cheer up


Dressing reflects our mood no wonder we have dressing code for every task we do and also,dressing codes even when we do nothing. They prep us up for the activity we are putting ourselves into. People who love to dress are confident and make a mark with their appearance. As they say

“Dress for success”.

The first impression created by a person depends on the clothes he chooses to be in.By this I mean practical, basic hygienic and affordable dressing which do not leave you with a feeling of living out of place.We as individuals must create our own visual styles which is unique yet identifiable. The art of dressing right preparesour mind and body to carry out a day of work. It not only makes us look attractive but is important for our mental well being.

We cannot deny the fact that all great men and women in history had a powerful sense of dressing. Whenever we think of them we think of the attire they wore such is the power of dressing. A person who rocks a certain clothing item becomes identifiable and permanently gets attached to that attire for generations to come. Getting dressed up in our own individual style helps us to reinforce the sense of self. Hence it is most important to have our own style. Irrespective of the changing trends always upgrade yourself but never compromise your dressing style for something you cannot carry with confidence. Dressing   up should be a part of your personality that you carry with ease and confidence anything beyond that is a burden.

“Dress up for SELF”


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